Sunday, July 11, 2010

Day One

Every once in a while I have an idea about doing something. I like to thing about it, imagine how and why should I do it. Then I realize I don't have spare time or money, I find reasons why not to try, and eventually my idea fades away.

I think this is a waste of thoughts. Since I keep myself busy with work and study, I cannot follow all the opportunities which appear in my head. However, I believe some of them could be turned into a profitable business.

In this blog I'll share all ideas which come to my mind. I hope that somebody will benefit from this. Moreover, sometimes I have ideas for charity initiatives and perhaps some day my ideas make the world a better place :)

Disclaimer: I claim that I thought of all the ideas shared on this blog by myself (unless explicitly stated otherwise). I don't say nobody thought of this before. It happens all the time - I think of something and when I do some research, I find that a lot of people already tried it.

"If at first the idea is not absurd, then there is no hope for it."
Albert Einstein

Enjoy :)

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